I'm ashamed to admit that this scone recipe was given to me about four years ago by a lovely friend, and it was only with the Masterchef scone revival that I thought to dig it up and start baking. I know, what's the good of me, right ?
Anyway, I thought it might be nice to share this super easy recipe with you, because these scones are super simple, super cheap and super tasty. In case you were wondering, the word of the day appears to be 'super' and I won't feel offended if you throw a 'dooper' in for good measure.
So without further ado, here is my friend, K's, Best Ever Scone Recipe.
4 cups self raising flour
2 tbl caster sugar
1 cup chopped dates
rind of 1 lemon (finely grated)
300ml pure cream
300ml water
Preheat oven to 210 degrees.
Combine flour, dates, sugar & lemon rind. Whisk together cream & water. Add wet ingredients to dry and mix until JUST combined and forming a non-sticky dough. Turn dough onto a floured bench top and with a minimum kneading, form it into a 5cm thick blob (oh yes, it's all technical terms around here). Cut scones with a floured glass or scone cutter & place close together on a baking paper lined tray. Bake for 15-20 mins (I'm finding the time varies depending on if you have the scones bunched or separate) until you tap on the top of the scones and they sound hollow. You can also brush milk on before baking and sprinkle the tops with sugar, if that's the way you roll.
I believe the key to a good scone is minimum fuss and a flippant attitude. Following this mantra I've yet to be disappointed. Good luck and happy baking.
i am sooooo going to make these tomorrow.. thanx :)