Monday, November 30, 2009
Hello Monday
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
My Creative Space
I also thought I would share this little beauty with you. It's a fairly rough and ready bookmark which according to The Coach (just call him the Bookmark Police) breaks all the rules for allowable book mark widths....whatever....and features three of Petal's latest characters. I just adore them and say "phooey" to the Bookmark Police.
Thanks again to the lovely Kirsty for hosting another week of My Creative Space. I just love it.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Following the White Rabbit, Part Two.
It wasn't long before we were overcome with an unquenching thirst, all that running around you know, and we ventured off to an Irish bar which Ms Sassy Britches was familiar with (fearless and quite the girl around town).
Now I'm sure that you can understand that from this point forward, events become slightly blurred (obviously the pizza and that giant slice of ham), so I will try and keep them in order to the best of my ability.
Firstly, it has been my experience, that drinking in a bar and attempting conversation is a tricky business when you all speak the same language. Throw multiple Nationalities into the mix and it is downright hysterical and suddenly turns into a drunken game of charades. Which in itself is challenging when the person initiating the charades has probably forgotten what it was that they were trying to say about half way through the 'conversation'.
Secondly..actually I don't have a secondly, I just wanted to say 'firstly', so we'll just continue on shall we ? There was a rather diverse mix of characters in the bar that evening, from locals to tourists to drifters like ourselves. But I just have to mention Axl...yes, as in Rose, but said with a French accent of course. Axl was hot, he was a Parisian local, and he had that rocker bad boy thing going on. Axl and Ms Sassy Britches were 'acquainted' from a previous evening spent at the Irish bar and I rather believed that Ms Sassy Britches was still quite enamoured with his rugged charms.
So imagine my surprise when Axl came over and started to whisper (read, holler loudly over the music) French sweet nothings in my ear with a devilish smirk on his handsome features.
"Urm," stuttered I, clearly a master of the English Language, "Are you looking for Ms Sassy Britches ? I think she's right over there,"
"Oh no, no, no," crooned Axl with his velvety accent "It is you I am looking for,"
" I thought...."
Much to my relief, this was the moment that Ms Sassy Britches decided to head back on over. Axl gave my hand a gentle squeeze, winked, kissed Ms Sassy Britches AND I both on the cheeks, then vanished back into the night like a mysterious French vampire.
Oh dear, I know I'm going to make you groan, but it looks like we're going to require a Part Three, sorry Peeps. x
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Eye Spy.....Joy
I don't have a pic, but it goes without saying that my family and friends bring me joy. They can also cause me many new grey hairs and much frustration, but the joy is right up there.
If you would like to see some more joy, go and check out Cindy's, I bet you're smiling and nodding your head by the time you're done.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
My Creative Space
What's Hot + What's Not
Watching the vegies grow. You may think I'm a dork but I will have the last laugh as I feast on my organic produce. Nom nom nom.
Exercise. No, that's not a typo and I haven't accidentally put that in the wrong category. I'm embracing exercise again, but just to be clear, not that jumpy up and down sweat inducing exercise, oh no. I'm talking calm, controlled, work up a light glow kind of exercise. Thirty minutes of Pilates puts me in a much better head space, must be all that deep breathing and building my inner core strength.
So what's hot or not at your place ? Why don't you play along ? You know you want to.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Eye Spy.....Adventures.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Winners are Grinners.
Anyway, before someone announces that they are plating up, I shall continue on to the next job on that never ending list. I hope you had a perfect weekend and I plan on considerable more blog love during the next week. (Yeah, yeah, promises, promises.)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Just tell me where the white rabbit is, okay.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Eye Spy....A Favourite Gadget.
I love gadgets, I do, I think they're swell and this little beauty is one of my all time favourites.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
My Place and Yours..A View of your Secret Weapon
If you're like me and just love having a little sneak peek at other people's lives, head on over to Pip's for more My Place and Yours fun.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
My Creative Space
What's Hot + What's Not This Week.
Sad, soggy, wilted herbage from the green grocer. I tended them with care, sang them little lullabies, but alas, my parsley seems to be heading to the great Vegie Garden in the sky.
Ticks. Ticks are never hot, no they are not. Especially when they are embedded in the heads of the bebes. Totally not hot.
An unidentifiable, not right, odour lurking in the fridge. Erk. Nothing worse then sniffing through shelf by shelf. Moving things, tossing things, then quietly tearing your hair out when the source remains hidden.