Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Eye Spy....An inspirational person in my life

Have you ever been at the cross-roads ? As a person who harbours slightly neurotic and excessive planning skills, finding myself recently at the cross-roads was a whole new experience, one that I did not particularly enjoy.

Then occurred a series of very fortunate events. An email inviting me to join a crazy phenomenon known as Facebook. To which I dutifully replied and set up my account. Then out of the blue, a friendship request from an old school friend. An old school friend who had been sorely missed for many years. She had a blog, a very well known blog, and so it was that the world of blogs opened up to me. She mentioned Twitter, well heck, I was on a roll, why not ? Suddenly the world had expanded ten fold, old friends, new friends, bloggers, tweeps, peeps, artists, cooks, mothers, crafters and witty wordsmiths.

This new world has delighted and inspired me in a way I had never imagined possible, new paths are appearing before me and I'm terribly excited to see where they may lead.

But in particular it has taken the words and actions of one extraordinarily talented, kind, generous and down-right delightful gal to get the ball rolling and my creative juices flowing. She rocks. She inspired me as a teenager and she down-right knocks my socks off now.

To find out who she is, click here.

Thanks again to the lovely Cindy for hosting eye spy and to Sally for this weeks, stop and think, theme.


  1. How small a world is that! I love that she has got you into blogging. I know I love the posts and the comments!

  2. Great post.
    It is awesome being connected through so many mediums - I can't imagine how people used to manage with only the phone ;)

  3. Thank-you Sally. Just a phone, how quaint non ?

  4. Thanks for sharing. I too have recently joined the incredible world of blogging, crafting, twitter and facebook, it's amazing. It's like another whole new world out there huh?

  5. I've been thinking a lot about these things lately. I like your optimistic and inspirational story.


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